MINI Prep Class details
Grades TK + K
Cooperative + Strategic Games: Students will learn and play a different game in each class that will require cooperation and strategy. Students will be playing these games with various equipment and group structures. Games will be played on the field or in the classroom. Students should wear shoes that will allow them to move and run safely. ($65)
Cheer: GO! FIGHT! WIN! In this high-energy class, students will use pom-poms and learn the fundamentals of cheer, dance, and tumbling technique including voice projection, stretching, jumps, kicks, beginner tumbling and stunting, cheers, and sideline dances. Perform at the end of the session for family and friends! Great for making friends, gaining confidence and learning teamwork! ($40)
Sports Wheel: Young athletes will explore a variety of sports, including soccer, baseball, basketball, and flag football, and develop fundamental skills in a fun and engaging environment. ($65)
Swifty Song and Dance: Calling all Swifties! Learn to dance like your favorite pop star in this high energy hip hop/pop stars dance and sing along class! Fun warm ups, combos, across the floors and choreographed dance routines to Taylor Swift's hit music will be taught, in preparation for an end of the session showcase for family on the last day! Great for making friends, gaining confidence and learning rhythm and musicality! ($65)
Karate: In this class kids will learn how to build self-discipline, self-respect, confidence and self-control. Karate will help in development of motor skills, balance and coordination. Children will also be taught to make good choices, learning to listen, follow directions and work with a group. They will learn basic blocks, kicks, punches and safety. ($65)
Prep Class details
Grades 1st + 5th
Skateboarding: Skateboarding 101 with coach Kyle! Come skate with your friends and learn new tricks! ($80)
Yoga: Yoga class designed for students to combine poses, breathing exercises and mindfulness activities. ($65)
Cheerleading: GO! FIGHT! WIN! In this high-energy class, students will us pom-poms and learn the fundamentals of cheer, dance, and tumbling technique including voice projection, stretching, jumps, kicks, beginner tumbling and stunting, cheers and sidline dances. Perform at the end of the session for family and friends! Great for making friends, gaining confidence and learning team work! ($65)
Radical Reptiles: Ben Haim, from Radical Reptiles and Friends, will introduce the children to his menagerie of live animals including: snakes, frogs, tortoises, turtles, lizards, bugs and other creepy crawlers. As the children explore the animal kingdom, they will have a unique hands on experience enhanced by art, games and various projects related to these animals. ($65)
Who Dunnit?: Minute to win mystery style! Students will play minute to win it games to earn clues, solve the mystery and get prizes! ($75)
Karate: In this class kids will learn how to build self-discipline, self-respect, confidence and self-control. Karate will help in development of motor skills, balance and coordination. Children will also be taught to make good choices, learning to listen, follow directions and work with a group. They will learn basic blocks, kicks, punches and safety. ($65)
Ukulele: Keiki Ukulele takes students on a musical journey through the beautiful islands of Hawaii. The keiki meaning "little ones", will learn how to play songs on their ukulele while also learning the art, language and traditions of the ancient Hawaiians. Ukuleles are provided! ($100)
Swifty Song and Dance: Calling all Swifties! Learn to dance like your favorite pop star in this high energy hip hop/pop stars dance and sing along class! Fun warm ups, combos, across the floors and choreographed dance routines to Taylor Swift's hit music will be taught, in preparation for an end of the session showcase for family on the last day! Great for making friends, gaining confidence and learning rhythm and musicality! ($65)
Flag Football: Develop key skills like running routes, catching passes, and mastering the fundamentals of this exciting sport. Fun drills and active games keep the learning engaging and exciting for all skill levels. ($65)
Cooking: Students will learn the ins and outs of making 4 different dishes in a classroom. Students will learn the basic knife skills, following a recipe and cooking techniques. We will make food items in class. Students will get to eat their creations and take recipes to try at home. Use of various cooking techniques and equipment will be used including an electric griddle, toaster oven and air fryer. We will be making Harry Potter Butterbeer, Banana Pancakes, Guacamole and Quesadillas, and Blueberry Hand Pies. Class Requirement: NO food allergies. Students must be able to listen and follow directions. ($100)
Sewing: "Get to Stichn" a beginning sewing class. We will be making a stuffy and other creations. Come have fun and learn to sew with Mrs. Fisher! ($80)
Art: Come join Ms. Robert's art workshop and let your creativity run wild! Get ready to have a blast as we paint, draw, shape clay and create 3D creations. Whether you're creating your own masterpiece or trying something totally new, there's no limit to what you can make! It's the perfect place to have fun, get messy, and discover just how awesome art can be. Let's create, explore and unleash your inner artist. ($85)
Soccer: Develop powerful kicks, master dribbling skills, and learn to play with teamwork and sportsmanship. Our experienced coaches emphasize healthy competition and encourage every player to reach their full potential. ($65)